More Wolves Than People (in progress)

Boy standing outside a metal gate in front of a school

Diane is a well-educated, stay-at-home mother of two who, feeling restless and unhappy with her privileged life, decides to do a good deed and host an orphan from Ukraine for the summer.  She’s prepared to fall in love with the child, an 11-year-old boy named Oleksiy, but she’s not prepared for the complications that ensue. For although an orphan, Oleksiy has a 16-year-old sibling in Ukraine named Alina who has long hoped to establish a respectable home for Oleksiy after she aged out of the orphanage. Diane’s decision to adopt Oleksiy disrupts Alina’s dream of reclaiming what remains of the family she once knew. Both Diane and Alina feel entitled to Oleksiy, and both have compelling reasons why his real home should be with them. As the women struggle to fulfill their respective plans, the only real question is whether the final result will be heartbreak for one of them, or for everyone.